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If Your Hair Doesn't Grow In 30 Days...

Confidently Request A Refund!!

Zingiber Hair Growth Oil

A hair treatment par excellence.

This nourishing oil, formulated in Morocco and packed in the United States has been proven time and again to strenghten hair roots and follicle, encourage hair growth and support scalp health…

Formulated with natural, hair boosting exotic oils such as Pure essential oils of ginger, Palmarosa, Black cumin seeds, Clary sage and Jojoba amongst others….

It is almost impossible not to see results!


Here's What Happens Once You Start This Regime

  • Get thicker, healthier and fuller hair within days
  • Makes hair soft, smooth and improves manageability
  • Prevents hair breakage
  • Revives hair growth even in severely balded spots
  • Rejuvenates the scalp and can also be used as treatment for ridding stubborn dandruff
  • Has been proven to boost eyebrow hair growth
  • Effective in boosting Beard Growth
  • 100% natural and not in anyway harsh on the scalp

See Customer Reviews Within And Outside Cameroon


Based on 165 Reviews

How You Can Get Yours?

This Zingiber hair growth oil is not formulated or produced in Nigeria.

Therefore, stocks are very limited to the quantity we receive per time.

Currently as this time, we have only a limited stock of 95 bottles available.

The counter below will tell you the exact quantity we have at the time you’re reading through our site.

Please Note That: All discounts, Free Delivery And Gift, 

would only apply to the current stock available.

Once these gets exhausted, all offers will be cancelled and prices revert back to normal

Bottles Of Oil Left, Hurry!


Free Mediana Leave-In Conditioning Milk

For The First 20 Persons To Order For The Diva/Queen/Amazon Hair Growth Plan!

Choose Your Preferred Package

Free Delivery + Pay On Delivery On All Orders!

End In: 48 Hours!

Frequently Asked Questions?

Yes it can.

“By Natural Hair”, we make reference to hair that grow from your scalp. Be it Dreadlocks, Permed and Unpermed Hair, Dyed hair. As long as it grows from your scalp.

Zingiber can be used.

Effectiveness of these oils relies greatly that you comply to the direction as given below.

  • Thoroughly was your hair to ensure that all dirt and other product residual is cleaned from your scalp.
  • You are to weave your hair into sections,
  • Then use the dropper(i.e Bottle Cover) to apply this product directly to your scalp
  • And lightly massage it into your hair roots. Using the tip of your fingers.

For Beards: Apply a few generous drops of the oil directly on chin areas where you hope to see growth, and massage lightly with fingers.

For those who are just beginning on their hair growth journey i.e On Low-Cut..

And those who already have hair mass, but are looking to give it an extra boost.

25-30 is enough time to see results.

While those who might be dealing with any of the following; Postpartum Hair Loss, Alopecia, Baldness e.tc

A minimum of at least 45 days of consistent use, is required to see substantial results.

Please be advised that the more consistent you are with using the oil… the longer the growth you see.

We need you to understand that this product is not formulated here in Nigeria.

We are converting our cfa which has hopelessly lost value to the Dollar, which is our currency of purchase.

Adding to this, the international travel restriction, since the covid began, makes it possible for airlines to stay in business, only with the shipping of goods.

Which has spiked a cut-throat increase in shipping cost.

In all these, we cannot in anyway compromise quality of the product in order to beat price.

And against all odds, we continue to bring this product into the country.

Knowing we deliver great value and results, with Zingiber.

Which is also why it is advisable to request your bottles today, as we can’t guarantee our prices for tomorrow.

The Zingiber Hair Growth Oil has recorded an 80:20 success rate in boosting the hair growth of at thousands of men and women across several countries of the world and here in Cameroon. Which is why we are actively pushing it, to reach a larger audience in Cameroon.

The Testimonies speaks for themselves.

Question: How Can I Become A Distributor?

Currently, we are not taking distributors due to the fact that, it is hard enough shipping this product into Cameroon and Distributing to our immediate Consumers.

Therefore, addressing the needs of retailers at this time, will pose a herculean task.

However, we hope the economy stabilizes very soon and everything goes back to normal.

Only then can we make a call for distributors

Order Now With An Assurance Of...

Risk Free: Money Back Guaranteed

The amazing Zingiber hair growth serum has been tried by over 1,000 men & women within Cameroon and in the Diaspora…

The feedback has been nothing short of amazing and positive.

However, we understand that all hairs are not the same…

Therefore if there is no noticeable change after your complete usage of the Diva Treatment (30 days Minimum)

Please feel free to ask for a refund…

But I can bet that there will be no need to do so…

We are very confident about this product

This bonus and discount will not last forever….

Over 1,000 men and women have bought this product …

The discounts and bonus is only valid for 48 hours on our last Bottles…

Once we run out of stock, the discounts disappears and prices of new shipment goes back to normal.

Before You Order...

Please Note!!

Important Notice to Our Valued Customers in Cameroon

Dear Valued Customers,

In these challenging times, every order means the world to us, but your well-being means even more. 

We’re reaching out with a heartfelt request: please, before you fill out our order form, take a moment to consider if you’re truly ready to receive your package within the next 24 hours.

  • If you aren’t financially capable of making payment after the first 24 hours of ordering
  • If you would be traveling and do not have anyone to receive the order in your place, within 24hrs

….We plead that you do not bother filling out our order form, instead, you can save our website link or send a WhatsApp message via the button that you will find at the bottom of this page.

Thank you for your kind consideration, we do not take patronage for granted.